Phillipsrevyen 1984, 4

Muu nimi/muut nimet: Phillipsrevyen 4-84
Lajityyppi: Information film
Vuosi: 1984
Kesto: 00:40:50
Kuvaus: Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : water injection project 2/4 K : interview with chief executive Jack Davidson etc.
Sisältölähde: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Phillips Petroleum Company Norway
Tuotantoyhtiö: TVP-Film og videoproduksjon A/S
Väri: Colour
Sound: With sound
Kokoelma: Ekofisk films, Norwegian oil industry
Alkuperäinen tallennusmuoto: Video/mpeg
Language: no
Related Names
- Kvendseth, Stig | Location manager
- Åm, Knut | Participant
- Fykerud, Inger Lise | Location manager
- Davidson, Jack | Participant
- Lunden, Jan | Singer
- Dirdal, Jon | Music performer
- Dahlheim, Geir | Music performer
- Frimannslund, Alf | Participant
- Frimannslund, Alf | Music performer
- Ellingsen, Dag | Music performer
- Fedje, Olav | Music performer
- Larsen, Thomas | Participant
- Hognerud, B. | Participant